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How do I care for my jewelry?Updated 2 years ago

Silver naturally tarnish overtime so it needs to be cleaned every so often to be restored to its original shine. While it's not possible to get rid of tarnish and discoloration altogether, we have found these tips to helpful:

  • Rubbing a small amount of silver polish with a clean cloth on your jewelry can help restore its shine. As a tip, we recommend using up and down strokes as rubbing in a circular motion can highlight scratches. Turning the cloth frequently as you work is helpful so tarnish isn't deposited back on your item. Once you're done, rinse in warm water and buff with a clean, dry cloth to shine.

  • If you're out of silver polish, you can mix a few drops of mild dish soap with warm water and rub the jewelry with a clean cloth. Rinse in cool water and buff with a cloth until dry. As a last resort, you can also mix a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Wet the silver and apply the cleaner with a soft, lint-free cloth (not paper towels). Work the paste into the crevices, turning the cloth as it gets gray. Rinse and buff dry.

To help keep your jewelry's luster, we recommend using an anti-tarnishing bag to store and putting a piece of chalk inside to remove moisture from the air. We also do not recommend putting it on after using perfume as chemicals can stick to your Silver and cause tarnishing. Lastly, wear it! Friction slows down tarnishing, which means the more you wear it, the more it'll shine.
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